Die Geschichtsschreibung nicht den Herrschenden überlassen
- August 26, 2021
Briefwechsel zwischen Christa Eckes und Hüseyin Çelebi Die Geschichtsschreibung nicht den Herrschenden überlassen Interview mit Gisela Dutzi
Briefwechsel zwischen Christa Eckes und Hüseyin Çelebi Die Geschichtsschreibung nicht den Herrschenden überlassen Interview mit Gisela Dutzi
The Liberation of Kabul Discussions within the PKK about the Liberation of Afghanistan Firaz Amargi Who will liberate Afghanistan? After 20 years of NATO occupation, the country is likely to
The Turkish State has Become the Mafia, the Mafia has Become the State Interview with Hatip Dicle, former co-chair of the Democratic People`s Congress (DTK) in Turkey, about the background and implications
„They came on horseback and left on foot“ The History of Turkish Attacks on South Kurdistan since 1983 Perwer Yaş, Journalist Since the early 1980s, when the Kurdish liberation struggle decided
„If the PKK is Weakened, Mexmûr Will Definitely Become Turkey’s Next Target of Attack“ Interview with Baxtiyar Çelê, member of the Mexmûr People’s Council Baxtiyar Çelê, you are a member of